The Ingersoll Lockwood added a tab right in front of my eyes. It answers a lot of our questions.
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What is it with all "white hats" speaking in riddles? Is there a cosmic code that doesn't allow for direct messaging?
Why do you think teachers ask "class, who can tell me what 7 times 7 is?" instead of "class, 7 times 7 is 49."?
Tell me, have you learned anything from the I-L website?
I mean it’s a cool looking website and it’s fun to imagine it’s run by some super secret white hats but other than that, it’s not exactly saying much.
No, I haven't. But it sure is fun to imagine, isn't it? We're watching a movie. Q, MJ12, IL, are all asking for us to suspend disbelief, like we do when we're watching a movie. They often, not-so-indirectly, hint that they want us to imagine a future where we win.
Time travel, or at least the ability to affect time, is proven. If the group who seems like the good guys is telling us to imagine winning, like watching a super hero movie, then I'm going to do it.
The cool part is it's really, really fun. Like being a kid again. It's weird when you let go and just allow yourself to LARP as if this is True. Because when you try on a new worldview, you can see where it "clicks in" with reality and where it's in discord with reality.
Lately I've found that this is actually the fastest way to update my world-model. I just live my life as if the fact in question were true. I live that way until I learn that this new model is less "real" than my previous, and so I throw out the test model.
I have used this strategy on IL and MJ12 and it's allowed me to develop a pretty nuanced understanding of the groups, without much energy spent delving into proving their narratives. I think this strategy works well because the standard of Truth is lower for yourself than others. To convince someone else, we need a well designed meme, combining hard facts with emotion.
But since we know ourselves, meaning we know our own Truths, we can push past the 50% probability of Truth zone (50PTZ), into the range of 'belief' with much less effort. Since what we know is enumerable to us, since the terrain of our model is known, we can wield more precise weaponry (small facts), leveraging small facts to make big changes in our model.
That said, I can't vouch for either group. But I can tell you that it is my Truth that something very special is happening. A once in a lifetime event, where lifetime is defined as your infinite life. This will never happen again, so pay attention. You'll be sad you missed it simply because you were afraid of looking gullible.
Remember, the word belief would be pointless if it were referring to known facts. Really, if you think about it, I think you'll find that you tend to operate more on your beliefs more often than things you know 100%. So beliefs are probably what matters anyway, in my opinion.
Most importantly, enjoy yourself and others. That will be hard to do if you are not living in alignment with your Truths whilst waiting for proof.
Imagining is very similar to prayer. The difference is you're imagining "at someone." Like, imagine you're telling Santa what gifts you want, in your mind. Not with words, with concepts. Abstractions. Like envisioning, but not necessarily seeing the forms you envision, but feeling them. For example, when we feel the corner of something, we what we are getting is data pertaining to the inverse of that corner (think mirror). So try to feel the inverse of that corner, if that makes any sense, as you pray.
The fidelity of your message is based on your level of abstraction (speech & auditory < visions < feeling < being). Higher levels of abstraction require less bandwith. Like a function in computer code; all we really need is the function name and the input parameters. We don't need to enumerate every detail of the algorithm, only minimum number of Truths required.
The penetration of your message is based on strength of your emotions at the time of prayer. The direction of your message is based on the type of emotions.
Kbye <3!