Trump says he spoke to Ashli Babbitt's mother. Those of us paying attention know why. ?
? Notable
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Red Pill Dispenser: Why hasn't the Biden administration reached out to Ashli Babbitt's family?
Didn't Nancy Pelosi herself claim that those who stormed Congress threatening and intimidating the members during the Kavanaugh confirmations claim that people were entitled to enter the House and make their voices known. Changed her tune on Jan 6th didn't she.
So many stupid people swayed by the Media narrative. They Media above all others need to be accountable and dealt with for what they are responsible for. Trump really should have gone Lincoln on their ass imo.
Is there a video of that I can pull up for future discussions?
I saw it when it happened on camera. Youtube might have pulled it though, but as I recall when it went down she was asked to comment and condemn, and she was all blah blah they are perfectly entitled to enter and have their say.
Bit like that Mayor of D.C. said when Antifa were attacking the White House, something about it is their house and they were entitled to protest there (they were of course rioting and putting SS men and DC police in hospital. Although given how the D.C. police behaved on Jan 6th don 't feel sorry for them at all.
Really is incredible how two faced the Left are, and what short memories their supporters have.