Reminder to Read Q Posts And Research By Yourself
? Do Your Research ?
These boards are great communities most of the time, but if you're getting your information and especially your opinions from something someone said here, it's still too far secondhand. is good as it's got page numbers. I've started at 174 and am on 50 currently. I found out about Q late from the Donald and then watched this board a long time. They're full of good information, but they get cloudy and convoluted. I'm learning much more and seeing much more clearly what Q might or might not be by my own research.
Well I am not "journalist".Not only researcher too.Digital soldier rather - first and foremost.
Maybe it isn't American Pledge,but as I am not US citizen,I think it is enough:
As a foreign volunteer I swear to help to protect Constitution of the United States and its indeliable part - Bill of Rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic until current danger against it will be eliminated. As a member of other independent nation I herby declare my first and only lawful allegiance is protection of Bill of Rights being indelible part of those Constitution - inside and outside territory of United States of America (and thus protecting natural law given to all by God). I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.