posted ago by LoneWulf ago by LoneWulf +27 / -0

Well, I've been down the Ingersoll Lockwood rabbit hole again today. I was checking out some of the new stuff that anons have found, especially ​this new Q&A webpage:


At the bottom of the page is a link to a wiki page on Die Glocke, "the bell," a top secret German project during WWII:


The drawing of it, off to the right, reminded me of this:


The model shown was used in a tv show about the incident, then was given to the local fire station who mounted it up on the hillside behind the station.

Stan Gordon is the "local expert" on this event and you can see him in this homegrown video:


I've been down the Kecksburg UFO rabbit hole in the past. This UFO crashed into the woods in Kecksburg, PA back in 1965. It brought out the military and other assorted gov't officials, who reportedly loaded up the craft and carted it out, amidst much secrecy. Some of the locals got a peek at it and said it was "acorn-shaped" and had some strange alien language written around the bottom of it. Someone else claimed that they saw it later at a military base in, I believe it was, Ohio.

I got to thinking that this "alien" language might have been runes, as the Nazis had delved into the occult:


So, I looked to see if I could link the Die Glocke and the Kecksburg UFO and I found this article that does just that:


Then I went back to the two Wikilinks articles above and discovered at the bottom of the pages they actually linked to each other, as well.

So, maybe after all of these years, someone was (sort of) successful in developing a working DIe Glocke back in 1965??