posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +53 / -0

Heavenly Father we love you so much. Thank you for this beautiful country and all that it represents. It stands for the freedom of every man woman and child and our right to worship and give praise to you. Although evil has tried its best to destroy these freedoms we know deep down that you will never allow that to happen. We ask that you completely restore our God given rights to each soul that lives here. Let that freedom ring in each heart and mind and help us return to our foundation of love and light for all. Allow this freedom to spread across the world so each nation can celebrate what you have blessed us with. Remove the powers of darkness and send them to the bottomless pit they belong. Free anyone that might be trapped by these powers and let your light shine bright in every corner of the world. Father set your people free and allow this independence day to be the start of a worldly independence from evil amen

Please join us at 8pm eastern daily to pray against the powers of darkness. God answers the prayers of his people. So lets pray he finally cast out these powers once and for all.

Prayer warriors and children of light. We have put together a server on discord to serve God thru prayer and fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. Hope to see u there. https://discord.gg/Aqz5JXtu

Check out the weekly communion thread and share your testimony https://greatawakening.win/p/12jJBvdPZQ/