they would have just rounded up the people if the government had already found them guilty in some way. more and more people are coming out saying they have already been in the military courts. to which gag orders are placed on them to which penalty to some extent would be death. things are happening in the background which we may or may never know about.
I'm thinking we should keep our environment clean and not throw our trash all over the solar system, especially when there's already an established incinerator.
in regards to flat earth? or existing tech that will take us even further then mars? or mars doesnt actually exsist? trying to keep it in the realms of possibility. and not far out fantasy land even Flynn has called out some of this bullshit recently.
if one believes that everything is a lie told to us about everything, well, what's the biggest one you could think of? and then, am I man created of ape-man evolved? the answers seem obvious.
I'd seek the opinion of some Scottish accountants.It's a great idea,but it may be a bit expensive.Just send a small number as an experiment for the muuh science
With the rest,Military Spec 5.56mm× 45mm NATO may be more cost effective.
See if they can run 3250 feet per second.That would sort them out!
Sorry for the delay,got busy with work. I know what you mean,NATO is like all those
other organisations,UN,EU,WHO ect,useless as tits on a bull.
In this case NATO only refers to the standardisation of Free World Military War fighting equipment like ammunition,vehicles 7.62 NATO,5.56 NATO.
Then they will open a portal to hell there and we know how this story goes
Mars might be nice. We could end up sending them on a lovely vacation.
Who knows?
And I'm wary of those indictments.
What if they are for us?
I hope they are not, but once again...
Who knows?
they would have just rounded up the people if the government had already found them guilty in some way. more and more people are coming out saying they have already been in the military courts. to which gag orders are placed on them to which penalty to some extent would be death. things are happening in the background which we may or may never know about.
I'm thinking we should keep our environment clean and not throw our trash all over the solar system, especially when there's already an established incinerator.
why test on monkey's when we have pedophiles!
everything you think you know is a lie told to you.
in regards to flat earth? or existing tech that will take us even further then mars? or mars doesnt actually exsist? trying to keep it in the realms of possibility. and not far out fantasy land even Flynn has called out some of this bullshit recently.
if one believes that everything is a lie told to us about everything, well, what's the biggest one you could think of? and then, am I man created of ape-man evolved? the answers seem obvious.
I'd seek the opinion of some Scottish accountants.It's a great idea,but it may be a bit expensive.Just send a small number as an experiment for the muuh science value.
With the rest,Military Spec 5.56mm× 45mm NATO may be more cost effective. See if they can run 3250 feet per second.That would sort them out!
Just a thought,open to more ideas.
wouldn't trust NATO with a cap gun let alone a .45, it will be NATO forces combined with china and NWO forces against patriots.
Sorry for the delay,got busy with work. I know what you mean,NATO is like all those other organisations,UN,EU,WHO ect,useless as tits on a bull.
In this case NATO only refers to the standardisation of Free World Military War fighting equipment like ammunition,vehicles 7.62 NATO,5.56 NATO.
great that will just shit up another planet before its even colonized....
i was thinking they would make great fertilizer
Why go to all that expense?
Fish need to eat.
they can be used to feed the fish they take with them haha