Fikkan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no real clue. I'm not a moderator.

But my guess is that the mods want to avoid topics that will cause a lot of people to write us off as weirdos.

I'd prefer it otherwise, myself, but it is also good to be cautious with our public image. There's plenty of bad actors out there that would fringe us to death if we went slack on the rule, is my guess.

Besides, we have plenty to talk about and research anyway.

Fikkan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this military or militia?

Fikkan 1 point ago +1 / -0

What rule did you break?

If it's my thing about Lord's name in vain, that's just my interp. Don't mean it's true or accurate.

Fikkan 1 point ago +1 / -0

For this to work, the leader of the opposition party would have to have the title of "Dan".

And recalcitrant members of her own party have the title "Jackie".

Fikkan 2 points ago +2 / -0

LBJ was a ranker in the Dixie Mafia.

The Dixie Mafia is/was the power behind such things as the Clinton death lists and such.

The Dixie Mafia was a dem owned and operated organization.

Fikkan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know that. You know that.

But, to those who get their news and views from the msm or the water cooler at work? They'll believe what they're told and they'd be told it was a coup.

That's why the GAW and other such efforts are important. Neutralize that play before the msm and talking heads can pull it.

Fikkan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if it's "throwing under the bus", or just trying to "peer through the veil, darkly" and try to figure out the bigger picture with the new perspective/info we've gained over the last few years.

And, might also be that Reagan was who we thought he was, and just did the best that could be done in the circumstances. Just like JFK.

Fikkan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes they did. And that needed to happen for the west to survive.

But, look at where we are now. The amount of effort put into morphing us, the US and the West, into depraved degeneracy. How we're devolving into terrorstates almost as quickly as the commiescum countries did after their "revolutions".

Might it be that the powers that be decided they could do a better job without the commies than with?

I don't know. But most of what I used to take on faith, politically and world events wise of the past now just have to be constantly reviewed. Too much of what was is now known to be bogus to mindlessly accept any of it anymore.

Fikkan 5 points ago +5 / -0

But if it does, I will not rationalize that as a WIN.

Of course not. And we've all had the rug dragged out from under us enough times to have at least a subconscious fear of exactly that happening.

But, I'm not here to take council of my fears. I'm here to stay in the fight and reload on ammo (information) with which to do battle.

Fikkan 4 points ago +4 / -0

"it has to be this way".

I suspect the part of the plan we're in now is forcing everyone to recognize that the courts are corrupt beyond salvage and the law is a farce.

Tribunals are the only way to justice, and it done in line with The Constitution and existing legal structure, both letter and spirit.

Fikkan 2 points ago +2 / -0

More thoughts but a separate comment. Don't want to spam it onto my first comment.

It bothers me that so many call what we want to happen as "God's Plan". Honestly, we don't know that. We can't know that. It's a form of "lord's name in vain" imo. We can hope that what we want to happen is in line with God's Plan. But that's the best we can do.

And remember, rain falls on the just and unjust alike. That's how the fields get watered. Meaning, something we don't want to happen might have to happen because that's how the rest of the plan plays out. We get rained on and made miserable. Fields get watered and we don't starve to death later.

So, I hope what we call The Plan is the same as God's Plan.


Deep question, kinda like If yellow was blue, what color with brown be?


How do I do a doomer post without sounding doomer?

Fikkan 8 points ago +8 / -0

Whatever happens, whether we like it or not, understand it or not, God wins.

This is his creation.

And we can't even comprehend the cause and effect in play on the creation level.

So, we do what we can when we can. We hope we're correct and right in our assumptions and guesses as to God's plan. But, it'll be what it'll be and it's not up to us to say whether or not it's good.

Fikkan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all good. The mods gotta keep a certain pace to the place. Not everything fits everywhere.

And we did get to have at least a short discussion on it. So, like just when the Q drops started, we know we're not alone anymore.

Fikkan 2 points ago +3 / -1

My opinion of Reagan has changed over the years.

In my youth, saw him as a lion for bracing the commies like he did. Called them out, pushed them over the line toward their own destruction.

But now, I'm thinking Reagan was another of the usual DS doing DS stuff on command. He may not have intended such in the beginning, but the assassination attempt undid him.

In my new perspective, his push against the commies was simply because the shot-callers decided they could make more progress with a converted/perverted west than a commie consortium of countries.

Fikkan 1 point ago +1 / -0

The source for this opinion is Tim Alberino, not something I've actually done the research on myself, but seems to make sense...

The evil ones' efforts are to get us to surrender our dominion over the earth. The reason is, that those human souls that make the cut are going to be the safe-keepers of the pit. the prison guards, as it were.

This is why the efforts to gene mod humans/transhumanism. the bowl of lentils in exchange for dominion.

Fikkan 2 points ago +2 / -0


But lots of people can't make that connection. Things weren't all stone agey limited during the reign of the Fallen Watchers.

Fikkan 3 points ago +3 / -0

the great war goes on.

As I heard it explained once, the war actually ended when Christ went down and wrestled the keys from the fallen. Now the evil ones are just playing for time. They know it's over, they're just trying to delay the grand finale.

Fikkan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not just the people. But also the taint of what had been done. Reading between the lines and with today's knowldege, it sounds a whole lot like the evil ones were using the secret understandings to play at genetic manipulation. False creation shenanigans.

Fikkan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gonna take a stab at the biblical and bad part. See how close I can get.

This goes back to the rebellion of the Watchers at Mount Hermon.

The "bloodlines" are the existing remnants of the priestly class that worshiped the fallen (pagan gods) and their offspring, the Nephilim and Raphaite.

"secret knowledge" (tech, magic, etc), the gold amassed over millennia, a hatred for those who stayed with the Lord our God and kept our dominion intact.

That's my guess.

Fikkan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never cover up the pretty.

Now, folks like me could be rationalized into covering up our faces just to protect the minds of small children.

Fikkan 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just because we know, or are willing to admit that truth, doesn't mean enough others are,... yet.

Want massive disruption? The wrong people bleeding in the streets?

Jump the shark on this Plan and that's what we get. And the DS standing by ready to reap the rewards as the good guys bleed each other out thinking the other is the one pulling the coup.

Fikkan 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was decided long ago that the average Joe and Jill had a reading comprehension level approximate to 6th grade standard.

So, it was decided that everything would be written to that same standard level.

And after time, no one is employed in the industry that can write, reason or think above that same standard level.

Fikkan 4 points ago +4 / -0



Abstract Georgia Law Professor Erica J. Hashimoto was featured on HDNet's "World Report" regarding the Genarlow Wilson case. The interview aired on the 9 p.m. show and again at midnight on 9/11/07.

Repository Citation "HEART OF DARNKESS" (2007). In The News. 538. https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/in_the_news/538

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