I walked, marched, fifty yards ahead of our Independence Day Parades, led by the American Legion Color Guard and Post.
Every dozen paces or so I stopped, and made that request, though in language appropriate to addressing children and snowflakes. “As the National Flag approaches, stand, uncover, and make a proper salute!.”
When the Coof came, the AmLegion went to their knees and I resigned, after inverting our Flag.
I walked, marched, fifty yards ahead of our Independence Day Parades, led by the American Legion Color Guard and Post.
Every dozen paces or so I stopped, and made that request, though in language appropriate to addressing children and snowflakes. “As the National Flag approaches, stand, uncover, and make a proper salute!.”
When the Coof came, the AmLegion went to their knees and I resigned, after inverting our Flag.
I am 72 y.o. and about the youngest active member of our post. Burned out, with no one joining to replace US old guys.
We still carry Garands and I did not want to be responsible for surrendering custody.