This document by Neil Ferguson of London’s Imperial College of Medicine was sent to “Nick Clegg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Susan Wojcicki (YouTube) and Sundar Pichai (Google/Alphabet)” among others and calls for…
permanent medical martial law, complete censorship of all pandemic truth, deployment of the army on the streets, the constant release of new variants of “Covid-19” and discusses how to force everyone to be vaccinated, etc. Please circulate it far and wide.
I know people are divided about Ben, but I look for things even in the garbage. Truth is wherever you find it.
Then you are a far more patient person then I am. Koodos for having the time, patience and discernment to look at his stuff. I used to follow him a few years ago, but there was too much chaff and not enough wheat. Either way, carry on!
Yeah he's a mixed bag I keep running away and then running back