This document by Neil Ferguson of London’s Imperial College of Medicine was sent to “Nick Clegg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Susan Wojcicki (YouTube) and Sundar Pichai (Google/Alphabet)” among others and calls for…
permanent medical martial law, complete censorship of all pandemic truth, deployment of the army on the streets, the constant release of new variants of “Covid-19” and discusses how to force everyone to be vaccinated, etc. Please circulate it far and wide.
I'm in the UK so familiar with Ferguson et al.
There's no way he would write like this, even in private.
My vote is A-grade larpery.
Extra info, Nick Clegg is the ex leader of our Liberal Democrat party and ran the coalition with the (C)onservative party from 2010 -- 2015.
He then goes to be Vice‑President for Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook... Interdasting.
Yeah it's very tricky circus we're watching here. I respect your opinion and vantage point over me. Thank you for your input! God bless and greetings from Los Angeles! Also Benjamin fulford claimed that the document was leaked by MI6. No biggie just saying