I graduated in 2008 and while utilizing the obscene amount of free time the recession gave me I stumbled upon the Zeitgiest documentary which asked a simple question, "How is money created?".
Damn dude, I remember watching that in high school back when it came out. 9/11, World Religions, and the Fed. Been red-pilled ever since. The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper still.
I graduated in 2008 and while utilizing the obscene amount of free time the recession gave me I stumbled upon the Zeitgiest documentary which asked a simple question, "How is money created?".
Damn dude, I remember watching that in high school back when it came out. 9/11, World Religions, and the Fed. Been red-pilled ever since. The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper still.
The irony that it was all hosted on youTube back then... lmao how the times have changed
It is funny looking back how forbidden that info really was. The feds would have preferred I spent my time in high school looking at porn instead.