Wisdom from 100 years ago - Enjoy!
Spanish Flu: The 1918 Influenza Epidemic was a Vaccine-Caused Disease July 7, 2021 James Fetzerblog C. Johnson Here is a motion cartoon from the earliest days of motion-pictures that likely was made at the time of the 1918 Spanish-Flu epidemic. So far, we have been unable to verify its origin, but there is no reason to think it is a counterfeit. Its value will be immediately recognized, not in its rarity or as a collector’s item, but its editorial commentary stunningly contemporary to our present day. Popular sentiment a hundred years ago clearly was far more aware of an agenda behind the propaganda and, as you will see in the final message of the cartoon, folks knew who was behind it and what the end game was. An amazing time capsule of truth.
The Above text comes from this link. This is how I learned of the cartoon. Thank you Fetz!
Maybe the cartoon is fake, who knows... don't throw out the baby with the bath water. The discussion about the Spanish flu is what is important to note.
100 years ago
same propaganda different century
same plan rolled out as the cartoon explains.