Buy with what exactly? And what exactly is it that you own that would be valuable to someone in the 1%? Do you have some special skill or knowledge that would benefit them? Let's be honest here... if you were to drop dead right now, what would your legacy look like 50 years from now? What about 5 years from now?
Do you even have a TED Talk, bro?
From their point of view, you are most likely a pointless waste of oxygen. You don't really contribute anything to the people who matter directly, yet you Harm the Environment(tm) with your power, water, and food needs. You're just another waste of resources, sitting alone in his car on the freeway, spewing exhaust into the air and jamming everything up. Acres of land have to be dedicated to farming the food needed just to keep you alive. And on top of all of that, not only can they not simply whip you to make you work faster... you've actually think you've got "rights" like a normal person!
Worse yet, some loudmouth boar like Trump comes along, and you fall for his "power to the people" schtick and compeltely forget how unimportant and irrelevant you are. Then you start doing dangerous things like saying "no" when you've been given a clear command. And when enough of the other drones start standing up and demanding they be respected, the DS is forced deeper into hiding because there's more of you than there are of them, and they freaking resent it.
So. No. It'd better if there were less people like you around to cause so many problems. Better if the population could be reduced to a more mangageable size from 7 billion... maybe like 200 million. Just enough to preserve genetic diversity. Or something.
Plus it'd be a great opportunity to get rid of the old, unproductive fossils that so many resources are being spent on to keep alive. And the "inferior" people if you know what I mean... nudge, nudge, wink, wink. You think it was a coincidence that the highest death rates in the US for I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Covid were in the black communities where the DS has been pushing crack and abortions for decades?
In fact, (assuming you survive), you should be thanking the Deep State for all the hard work they're doing to make life simpler for you, the humble slave drone. They're saving the planet, and reducing all that stressful "thinking" stuff that's been unfairly placed upon your shoulders, and that will give you more time to spend joyfully engaging in a productive, docile fulfillment of your assigned duties. Humanity will finally be a lean, agile, smoothly functioning machine instead of this messy, chaotic goat rope that it currently is.
They don't want to kill everybody. Just enough that they can't drop a few bombs or hold up a food shipment and terrorize everyone else back into line.
Buy with what exactly? And what exactly is it that you own that would be valuable to someone in the 1%? Do you have some special skill or knowledge that would benefit them? Let's be honest here... if you were to drop dead right now, what would your legacy look like 50 years from now? What about 5 years from now?
Do you even have a TED Talk, bro?
From their point of view, you are most likely a pointless waste of oxygen. You don't really contribute anything to the people who matter directly, yet you Harm the Environment(tm) with your power, water, and food needs. You're just another waste of resources, sitting alone in his car on the freeway, spewing exhaust into the air and jamming everything up. Acres of land have to be dedicated to farming the food needed just to keep you alive. And on top of all of that, not only can they not simply whip you to make you work faster... you've actually think you've got "rights" like a normal person!
Worse yet, some loudmouth boar like Trump comes along, and you fall for his "power to the people" schtick and compeltely forget how unimportant and irrelevant you are. Then you start doing dangerous things like saying "no" when you've been given a clear command. And when enough of the other drones start standing up and demanding they be respected, the DS is forced deeper into hiding because there's more of you than there are of them, and they freaking resent it.
So. No. It'd better if there were less people like you around to cause so many problems. Better if the population could be reduced to a more mangageable size from 7 billion... maybe like 200 million. Just enough to preserve genetic diversity. Or something.
Plus it'd be a great opportunity to get rid of the old, unproductive fossils that so many resources are being spent on to keep alive. And the "inferior" people if you know what I mean... nudge, nudge, wink, wink. You think it was a coincidence that the highest death rates in the US for I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Covid were in the black communities where the DS has been pushing crack and abortions for decades?
In fact, (assuming you survive), you should be thanking the Deep State for all the hard work they're doing to make life simpler for you, the humble slave drone. They're saving the planet, and reducing all that stressful "thinking" stuff that's been unfairly placed upon your shoulders, and that will give you more time to spend joyfully engaging in a productive, docile fulfillment of your assigned duties. Humanity will finally be a lean, agile, smoothly functioning machine instead of this messy, chaotic goat rope that it currently is.
They don't want to kill everybody. Just enough that they can't drop a few bombs or hold up a food shipment and terrorize everyone else back into line.
These people are sick.