Fuck you, Becerra, you forget your place. You work for US, not the other way around. You see, WE are your betters, We The People know a lot more about life and health than your bogus college degree can ever teach you. This asswipe needs to be busted down to janitor until he learns about Constitutional constraint of government... but then, he's a leftie, so he's not educable.
Where in the Constitution are those powers enumerated, meaning: where does it say that the fed government has the authorization to obtain information regarding vaccine status?
On the other hand, moving from the position that no new compact has been been after 1999, we are facing a rogue government. Of course they will say: they have the right. But that does not confer any rights.
What is left is pure power play. There will be those who yield, bend over backwards and those who will say: You are trespassing.
They demand to know all these things in increasing detail.. but having an ID to vote is something they resist like it was holy fire beamed right from the nozzle of a sanctified heavy flamer in the hands of a Saint.
Nor do they want to track or ID or analyze the health or background or criminal history of anyone crossing the border illegally.
So that's a hearty 'go fuck yourself' from me, chief. Write that down in your little status column if you like.
Senator Kelly Townsend has the perfect response to this crazy, 10th amendment says No:
Sure and when someone dies from said EXPERIMENTAL vaccine, who is held liable... oh no one...so humm if the vaccine has no accountability then why should just accept that..How about you peddle your EXPERIMENT some where else, I have a few thoughts on that, like underwater, or on the surface of the moon. If you take my suggestions seriously I will take your vaccine seriously.
The government has no rights. Only humans do.
Fuck you, Becerra, you forget your place. You work for US, not the other way around. You see, WE are your betters, We The People know a lot more about life and health than your bogus college degree can ever teach you. This asswipe needs to be busted down to janitor until he learns about Constitutional constraint of government... but then, he's a leftie, so he's not educable.
Government has enumerated powers.
Where in the Constitution are those powers enumerated, meaning: where does it say that the fed government has the authorization to obtain information regarding vaccine status?
On the other hand, moving from the position that no new compact has been been after 1999, we are facing a rogue government. Of course they will say: they have the right. But that does not confer any rights.
What is left is pure power play. There will be those who yield, bend over backwards and those who will say: You are trespassing.
They demand to know all these things in increasing detail.. but having an ID to vote is something they resist like it was holy fire beamed right from the nozzle of a sanctified heavy flamer in the hands of a Saint.
Nor do they want to track or ID or analyze the health or background or criminal history of anyone crossing the border illegally.
So that's a hearty 'go fuck yourself' from me, chief. Write that down in your little status column if you like.
Senator Kelly Townsend has the perfect response to this crazy, 10th amendment says No:
Sure and when someone dies from said EXPERIMENTAL vaccine, who is held liable... oh no one...so humm if the vaccine has no accountability then why should just accept that..How about you peddle your EXPERIMENT some where else, I have a few thoughts on that, like underwater, or on the surface of the moon. If you take my suggestions seriously I will take your vaccine seriously.
"Yep, received a shot from the folks that came by a few minutes ago....They said they were from the government, so I am all good. Bye bye.