I am proud of him. He would make more on unemployment but chooses to work rather than be a leach on society. He's a hard worker and is going to start his own landscaping business now.... :)
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These kinds of people who hurl insults and accusations ALWAYS lack self-awareness, projecting their BS onto others.
I realized that liberals only believe in racism being so prevalent because they themselves think like racists. They are the type of people who view the world through labels and stereotypes. They think all trump supporters act one way, all blacks and homosexuals are oppressed, all liberals are good, etc etc. They can't see people as individuals. They are shocked when they meet trump supporters who aren't evil, or are minorities, because they bought into the stereotypes social media told them, without ever bothering to meet any of us. They hate us because they believe the stereotypes. The type of person who is a liberal now, is the same type of person who might have actually been racist back in the day. They are easily manipulated, and always think they're righteous, and can't see past the color of someone's skin, can't get past the fact that others think differently. Put a maga hat on and see how they treat you as a stranger: no differently than how a slave or Jew might have been treated not too long ago.