Think Boston Marathon Bombing; oh wait, there were several in the crowd, employed by the government, who were wearing the same style back pack that the "bombers" sat down at Boston. So, since the FBI was so prevelently represented on 1/6, they must have been concerned after seeing one of their own packs and passed it on to Pence's man on the other side of the special knock out glass. Please forgive my explosive sarcasm.
Think Boston Marathon Bombing; oh wait, there were several in the crowd, employed by the government, who were wearing the same style back pack that the "bombers" sat down at Boston. So, since the FBI was so prevelently represented on 1/6, they must have been concerned after seeing one of their own packs and passed it on to Pence's man on the other side of the special knock out glass. Please forgive my explosive sarcasm.