I had been floating around 4 chan a while before Q started dropping. I already had thoughts about Trump being the catalyst for an about face for this nation.
It wasnt even a Q drop for me that really sinched it. It was the night they brought voat onboarding. For the previous month I would get an Anon chat me up back n forth..it was the same person I'm good w discerning someone through mannerism speech pattern writing styles. I was sent to voat by whomever I was conversing with. The flow of thought was this. Our first efforts go put n red pill . Dig research and Shepard the new comers. Voat was like boot camp ..we be consoling normies. They will be confused lost scared. Be the shepard, be the adult, be the marine.
I had been floating around 4 chan a while before Q started dropping. I already had thoughts about Trump being the catalyst for an about face for this nation. It wasnt even a Q drop for me that really sinched it. It was the night they brought voat onboarding. For the previous month I would get an Anon chat me up back n forth..it was the same person I'm good w discerning someone through mannerism speech pattern writing styles. I was sent to voat by whomever I was conversing with. The flow of thought was this. Our first efforts go put n red pill . Dig research and Shepard the new comers. Voat was like boot camp ..we be consoling normies. They will be confused lost scared. Be the shepard, be the adult, be the marine.