Their website says they are in 10 different states, I grabbed a pamphlet that has all the different curriculums and which type of teaching method; Traditional, Classical, Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, Unschooling, Eclectic.
In this pamphlet they have programs from 24 different vendors.
When I have a minute I will scan it and if I can upload it somehow, I will. I don't see that option though. This is only my 3rd post...
I have a daughter that is about to turn 2, so looking into this myself.
Locally(DFW) we have a Christian store that has a lot of different options.
Their website says they are in 10 different states, I grabbed a pamphlet that has all the different curriculums and which type of teaching method; Traditional, Classical, Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, Unschooling, Eclectic.
In this pamphlet they have programs from 24 different vendors.
When I have a minute I will scan it and if I can upload it somehow, I will. I don't see that option though. This is only my 3rd post...
Good luck to you though!