My son in law, (whose in wheel chair) was at the door with my daughter their 3 year old daughter. He was kicking the flagpole, ranting and raving. She called me up (I live in MIL suite) but he’d gone by the time I got there. I gotta get outside camera. Called the cops. Could only file a trespassing complaint. I am honestly shocked. My daughter almost let our Rottie lose on him.
My son in law, (whose in wheel chair) was at the door with my daughter their 3 year old daughter. He was kicking the flagpole, ranting and raving. She called me up (I live in MIL suite) but he’d gone by the time I got there. I gotta get outside camera. Called the cops. Could only file a trespassing complaint. I am honestly shocked. My daughter almost let our Rottie lose on him.
I hope you didn't eat that