The Global Cabal, via the World Economic Forum, has made it very clear what their next move is going to be. They telegraphed their Covid Agenda the year prior to the start of the first lockdowns and mandates. Now they are telegraphing their agenda for a world wide event that will affect all of our computing systems.
I know my way around computers, but even I am concerned at what this cyber warfare event might entail. We do not know if this will target only key infrastructure computers and networks, or be aimed at every networked device, including cell phones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and smart vehicles.
I figure since we do not know the breadth of this planned attack, we may as well plan for the worst case scenario. I, for one, have likely over $10,000 worth of computer hardware in my house. I've always been proactive about keeping the software, drivers, and anti-virus up to date, but I don't think this will be enough. All of my machines run Windows. Its what I grew up using, and what I know. Much of the software I use does not run well on Linux. I am concerned that Windows has as yet to be discovered back doors that will enable delivery of virus(s) that can circumvent typical anti-virus precautions.
My fear is that the virus(s) that the Cabal will release will target complete computer destruction on the hardware side, not simply an OS / software scrambler. I'm not sure if such a destructive virus could be created, but if the Cabal's reach extends to the manufacturers of CPUs, GPUs, and Motherboards there are probably loopholes that would enable a virus to target those hardware components and change their clock and voltage settings without tripping the bios to do a shutdown. If this were possible, a virus could potentially fry the hardware components in any computer you own.
Can any computer wizards chime in with their knowledge? What do you think this cyber pandemic might look like, and what would you advise people to do in order to protect their computer systems? Taking them all offline is impractical. Are there proactive ways in which we can shield our computers from what we know is coming in the near future?
This may sound crazy, but here is what I "wonder". How do you get Twatter, FB, IG and YT to appear to shut down on their own. Fake a virus, just like COVID. Fake hack, "take down" some very visible and key crap. Tell everyone, if you are on the internet, your machines are at high risk, everything stolen, passwords, history, email, etc (may even kill grandma). The big tech social media shits say they have to shut down, so as not to entice people to be on the net. Forces everyone to the boobtube, other announcements? You have everyone full attention. This is likely bullshit, but as batshit crazy as everything else has been, it wouldn't be a shock. Infrastructure attacks are on my 2021 bingo card, just not sure what, how, when and where. :-)
Hmm... I like this theory. It would mirror their strategy for COVID 19 nicely.