Ensuring the safety & well-being of the population,
Shifting the narrative,
Removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success,
Defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes,
Freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities,
Kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org
Q 725 https://qagg.news/siteimages/postimage725.jpg
There's also, as we all know, the problem not only of "normies" waking up (which they are), but liberals getting a small taste of what they asked for so they don't spend the rest of their lives fighting against the Republic like they HAVE been doing. We don't need an army of brainwashed liberals carrying on the Deep State/Cabal's efforts going forward.
This is just my opinion, but: within several months we will see it all: the end of Resident FakeBiden's illegal administration via the 25th; the end of the Harris administration via overturning of election; public exposure and disclosure of all Cabal activities and crimes - including those of their assets and operatives...videos, photos; arrests en masse; a new financial system; acknowledgement of the end of the US corporation and a public restoration of the Republic; military tribunals and public executions of all who continued to "play the game" including all operatives, shills, assets within the media, a large swath of Hollywood, corrupt govt and elected officials all who knowingly served a foreign entity to undermine the Republic.
This will filter out to the whole world. Illegal immigrants won't NEED to leave their homes and families to come here because their own countries will finally be able to prosper.
I know it's just your opinion but it is so encouraging to think to see it this year, or early in the next. It's such a beautifully written way to say it. You encapsulate all of our hopes in one paragraph.
I am so grateful to be able to see all of this!