posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +91 / -0

▪️ An explosion in a park near the state television and radio company rocked the Iranian capital. No casualties were reported and it is not known whether the explosion was an attack or an accident.

▪️China says the United States is "leaving a mess" in Afghanistan. The Taliban welcomes "friendly" Beijing to rebuild the country and looks forward to Chinese investment.

▪️The Chinese gene technology giant collects data from millions of women. A Chinese gene company that sells prenatal tests around the world has developed them in cooperation with the country's military and uses them to collect genetic data from millions of women for large-scale studies of population traits (Reuters)

▪️North Dakota is suing the Biden administration for suspending oil and gas sales on federal lands.

▪️Trump: "Keep my administration's tax cuts where they are. Don't let taxes go up. Come to think of it, I've never seen anything so easy to win politically."

▪️The looters in black were found to be the first to climb the stairs and smash windows in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, but the FBI has stubbornly refused to pay attention to them.

▪️Updated data show that more than 10,300 people voted in a Georgia county in which they no longer reside. Under Georgia law, these are illegal votes, and the value of Trump's loss is 12,670 votes. This list is growing as more people update their state voter registration files by adding addresses.

▪️The leader of the National Basketball Association (NBA) Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James, has been voted the world's most hated athlete. Over the past 12 months, the basketball player has been spoken of rudely more than 122,000 times on social media.

▪️People under the age of 18 will be able to go to bars and restaurants if they are accompanied by a vaccinated person, in accordance with the plan to resume hospitality on the premises, to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain.

▪️Sydney Powell: "The Biden administration 'supported and blatantly encouraged' child sex trafficking."