purkiss80 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Trump recognizes the value of good relationships with world leaders, whether it be Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, Bin Salman, Modi, Bolsonaro, Orban, Abbas, etc.

Trump is a master diplomat and deal-maker, and he tries to keep good relations with EVERYONE. He has been trying to broker peace around the world, and he recognizes Israel are not the innocent darlings they pretend to be. Trump knows.

So while I know it’s trendy for anti-Trumpers to claim Trump is owned by Israel, but this is completely false. Trump is not owned by anyone, which is why the Deep State fear him more than anyone else.

Trump knows far more than he lets on about Israel."

  • Clandestine
purkiss80 4 points ago +4 / -0

I Really cant take this insanity for much longer...What happened to Men? Where the fuck are they ?

I Read somewhere that for the past 20 years or so there is some 'Ingredient' in Nearly everything we use or consume from, plastics.. Containers/bottles etc etc that contains a High % of Estrogen which has slowly been digested/consumed over time by everyone.... seriously lowering the Testosterone levels in 'us', Which is starting to make a whole lot of sense lately...Soy Boys are everywhere lately.. Look at GenZ ...Where's the Men?...Or is it just me...??

purkiss80 9 points ago +9 / -0

"It’s an unprecedented disinformation campaign to rapidly prop up Kamala. They are faking polls, rewriting history, gaslighting relentlessly, and outright lying to our faces.

It’s an endless barrage. No matter how many times we catch them in a lie, they just double down, continue to lie, and their brainwashed sheep willfully fall right in line.

I just long for the day when I’m no longer under constant psychological attack from my own government, and I fear that day may never come."

  • Clandestine
purkiss80 10 points ago +10 / -0

She's probably also laughing because individuals don't seem to know or care that one of her own apparent ancestors was a jamaican slave owner who owned well over 100 slaves.

She's probably also laughing because individuals don't know that her own father was a marxist professor emeritus at Stanford University, which would help explain why she felt it was appropriate to post information on XDev telling individuals how to raise funds so they could let the violent rioters and looters of 2020 out of jail after the George Floyd incident swept the nation.

She's probably also laughing because she knows her side frequently clutches their pearls over Trump's alleged affairs without realizing that Kamala Harris herself had an affair with San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown back in the nineties when he was 61 and she was only 31.

She's probably also laughing because media outlets like axios frequently claimed that she was never in charge of the border when axios themselves called her the border czar only a few years ago.

She's probably also laughing because her strong messaging to individuals who would cross into this country illegally was, and I quote, don't come.

She's probably laughing predominantly because she knows that her voters vote with emotions instead of with critical thinking skills.

And honestly, if I knew that voters on my side would not know or care about the information I just told you and would instead turn and attack someone like me for bringing them to light, I'd probably be laughing all the time, too.”

purkiss80 19 points ago +19 / -0

If you're familiar with the EO, and the fact that the deep-state globalist cabal RELIES on cheating (not just here in the US but worldwide) as the rule and not the exception, then you have to ask yourself why he'd keep doing so.

Frankly, it makes ZERO sense as it represents the legal infrastructure/vehicle necessary to nail all their asses to the proverbial wall as it grants broad prosecutorial powers against foreign actors meddling in U.S. elections - which is EXACTLY what's been going on.

Yet he continued doing so.

Here's where it gets interesting because the PO is due for renewal in Sept, basically a month before the election.

Now, what we don't know yet is if Biden will even be the POTUS come Sept, but even if it's Kamala (temporarily in place b/c Joe stepped down) will she similarly re-up the order, and if so why? Why would she do that?

Makes you wonder who is really in control as this keeps the entire deep-state election rigging machine squarely in the sights of those working to secure our future behind the scenes - and when it matters most.

Something to keep an eye on for sure. My bet is it will be regardless. 😎



purkiss80 4 points ago +4 / -0

"We will release a statement when our legal counsel advises us to do so."

"Until then we have no comment. We just want to take care of ourselves right now so please, just give us our space."

Crooks' father is a registered Libertarian and his mother a Democrat. Crooks was reportedly a registered Republican but had previously donated to a progressive group. H/T Collin Rugg

purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did see something on the day, there were Pics shown briefly....I shall try to find it .

purkiss80 14 points ago +14 / -0

"MK-Ultra brainwashing was historically done in hospitals by therapists.

Many Americans believe this was very likely not a lone shooter but a coordinated assassination attempt. "Are you aware, sir, that many Americans believe this was very likely not a lone shooter but a coordinated assassination attempt? Have you been getting those messages from people? There's a lot of people in this room that have been getting the same messages. Why do you think that a lot of Americans are like this doesn't add up? This doesn't make sense, guys? How could this many things have gone wrong? A twenty-year-old kid a hundred fifty got a hundred and fifty yards of the President of the United States with an AR-15, flew a drone to conduct site surveillance, was spotted with a rangefinder ranging targets, then lost, had advanced explosive devices on him. With no military training, nobody was placed in the most obvious spot to conduct countersniper operations. i was a sniper in the Seal Team. As soon as I got out of the SUV and I saw that sniper that water tower I was like, That's exactly where I'd put me right there. So obvious. After partisan attempts to bankrupt him, and imprison him for seven hundred and fifty years in countless depictions as a modern-day Hitler, are you surprised, sir, that a lot of Americans are like, Maybe there's more to this story? Colonel, did your team make entry and conduct investigation at the suspect's home? Did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home? Was there any silverware found in the home or trash? Was it extremely clean almost like a medical lab? That's what I'm hearing."

purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

the lie that’s she’s black and garner the sympathy of the poor downtrodden black people. Yip, and IMO thats NOT gonna happen...

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