Is this still relevant up to now? It looks like things are becoming a bit dull about 2 supreme court justices stepping down because it looks like there are more than 2.
I strongly believe about the second term. But do you think that the stone that will slay all is the lawsuits/the power of the people? I think that it is seeming that way because it is directed that Trump will make the move and it is the final blow.
I should come back to what he is saying during his times. Its sad that he is no longer here but I strongly and firmly believe that his message is the standpoint on what is to come sooner or later. Despite all that is happening, we are guaranteed that these things will come but it is a manner of when.
What are your thoughts about Kim Clement? Speaking of which, time to cry again to were not gonna take it.
His words give me so much hopium. I keep telling my husband it should be over by winter bc of his words, God willing.