If this Vax is gonna kill you it'll be within the first couple months. By then most of the Spike proteins will have done their damage. They won't be in production then either
Not true. There are two different types of damage done by the injections. The first is the damage done by the spike proteins. The mRNA causes a person's own cells to produce spike proteins, which are toxins. Nobody knows how long this lasts... days, months... we don't know. We also don't know how long the damage from spike proteins lasts. Is it permanent? No idea.
The second problem is the weakened immune systems and ADE. The data from the UK shows that injected people are six times more likely to die from the virus than people that have not been injected. Six times greater risk for a virus which has such a low mortality rate will not be catastrophic... maybe raise it to the "4-6% lost forever"? We don't know that either.
So, it is a VERY bad idea to volunteer to be a lab rat and get the experimental injections. It is not the "depopulation" death jab that some people are saying, but it is no joke. The people that got the injections are playing Russian Roulette with their own health, and will probably have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.
If this Vax is gonna kill you it'll be within the first couple months. By then most of the Spike proteins will have done their damage. They won't be in production then either
Not true. There are two different types of damage done by the injections. The first is the damage done by the spike proteins. The mRNA causes a person's own cells to produce spike proteins, which are toxins. Nobody knows how long this lasts... days, months... we don't know. We also don't know how long the damage from spike proteins lasts. Is it permanent? No idea.
The second problem is the weakened immune systems and ADE. The data from the UK shows that injected people are six times more likely to die from the virus than people that have not been injected. Six times greater risk for a virus which has such a low mortality rate will not be catastrophic... maybe raise it to the "4-6% lost forever"? We don't know that either.
So, it is a VERY bad idea to volunteer to be a lab rat and get the experimental injections. It is not the "depopulation" death jab that some people are saying, but it is no joke. The people that got the injections are playing Russian Roulette with their own health, and will probably have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.