How? - Attacking you with foods that contain soy and chemicals that suppress testosterone levels. hormone disrupting chemicals have made their way into a variety of products, from cosmetics like sunscreen and toothpaste to plastic water bottles and thermal receipt ink.
Using the media, the economy, finances, race, fear and every other weapon they can to keep you in a constant state of stress. These environments and conditions drive up secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, which results in lower levels of the estrogen-desensitizing hormone progesterone. This relative increase in estrogen dominance is not good for either sex, but men are particularly affected by it.
Why? - Strong men inspire and lead others, protect those around them and most importantly, fight. Weak men follow.
Edit: Most insurances won't cover TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) but **will **cover testosterone if you're a woman Transitioning into a man. That's very telling.
Every guy in his late 20s or older should get your testerone checked.. especially if you’re feeling down or depressed, exhausted, not sleeping well or your sex drive is waining.. I found out mine was very low even we working a physical job, regular exercising and not eating like a human garbage can.. went to a “low T center” about 7 months ago for testing and got on a weekly shot.. took about six months but I feel like a different person. Nowhere near as anxious, moody or run down. Worth every penny and some people’s insurance will even cover it. I know it sounds like a hassle but it changed my life for less than 200 bucks a month. Three years ago I gave up alcohol/opiates, got healthy and six months ago got on TRT.. I am living a different life now and so much better off.
Not to sound like an infomercial but anytime the topic comes up I can’t help but share my experience in hopes it’ll help someone else
and now you have to stay on TRT until you die.
Depends how you do it.. if you go with a medicine to stimulate and increase your natural system.. you can quit once it’s functioning correctly again.. I do the injections and I probably will need it for life this way.. but at 35, it’d already dropped so much it probably wasn’t going to improve much with age.. so for me, it’s worth what I’d pay in a cell phone bill per month to feel good and balanced every day.
Not about how much it costs, but that you depend on a doctor and shots to function