I was thinking how frustrated I am that as a patriot I really have no voice in what these idiots do in Washington. And what they're doing boils my blood. As patriots, we abhor violence, and would not go down that road, unlike Antifa or BLM, lest we be labeled as "insurrectionists". I thought about the Boston Tea Party and how they made a statement, without violence. but it was blatant, loud and clearly signaled the unrest of the people and in so had an effect. What if every patriot mailed their empty toliet paper rolls to Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff signaling our resentment of the inflation they are causing among other dastardly deeds? What if patriots tossed empty or near empty toliet paper rolls onto the White House lawn letting them know, in essence what pieces of sh*t, we the people, think they are? Would it have an effect? Would our voices be heard? They have embarrassed our country long enough, let's embarrass them for a change. Let's get that American Spirit back in our blood with a Patriots' 2021 TP Party!!! RSVP not required so in the words of one of our great patriots," Let's Roll!"
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Or, write them a letter voicing your concerns on TP.