I hope nothing happens to them, but with all the new info coming out about the vaccine, it doesn't seem to be looking good. I will be honest though. I am angry at most of them for getting it. They have no faith in God. One is supposedly an avid Christian. An annoying type. She would lecture everyone about stupid things yet she did not trust God enough to not get the vax. I have a relationship with God and I would die before I conpromised that relationship. Anything that resembles the mark of the beast AT ALL to me I want no part of.
I'm angry because people I care about trusted celebrities, the media and the Government over people who actually care about their well being. And more importantly, they did not trust God. I can't imagine a faithless existence. They must be dead inside. I feel bad and will pray for them and I wish they would accept God's love. Anyway I just needed to get that off my chest. I will pray for all your loved ones who got the Vax. They need Jesus badly. Very sad.
"Faced with the false information disseminated on some social networks and blogs about an interim report by a professor at the University of Almeria, who seems to question vaccines against Covid-19, the University of Almeria communicates that: It is flatly false that the University of Almeria has carried out a scientific study with the results that are being published by those media that, on the other hand, are misrepresenting the content of an unofficial report by a University professor on an analysis of a sample of unknown origin with a total absence of traceability. Report that this university neither subscribes nor shares, as the report itself warns. The University of Almeria, as an academic institution, fully supports vaccines as a scientifically unquestionable instrument to fight diseases. The University of Almeria studies and reserves the possibility of directing civil and criminal actions against those who continue to disclose the falsehoods that this statement denies."
Basically it's unverified, and likely a hoax by the deepstate like other users have said. It would be pretty ridiculous and far too obvious if 99% of the vaccine was graphene oxide, in my opinion lol.
Well, so if it's not GO, what is in it that makes magnets stick to people's skin? Some kind of metal, metal in the body is not good. We know there have been thousands of deaths, that's not a lie as numerous doctors have stated such. So maybe it's not GO but what it is ain't good for us. We know that much.