Not yet but..... There is evidence that combined with 5g mind control is possible. The technology has been around for decades but are they evil enough to follow thru with their plan?
They want to have a brain computer interface eventually. They can’t hack minds as easy as computers. That’s my take from all this. James Corbett has been talking about it for decades.
I don’t think it’s designed to outright kill people. It’s designed to give them major health problems that require hospitalization and medication.
Think about it. No one is on the hook for problems related to the vaccine. It comes out of civilian pockets. Can’t sue anyone.
They get paid for the vaccines with no liability. Then they give you catastrophic health issues requiring medical care. Which they are also not liable for. So they are able to fuck the taxpayer on both sides. They get taxpayer money for the vaccines, then they get your money when you get sick. They got the insurance companies on board because insurance doesn’t cover vaccine illnesses, and the government isn’t liable either.
Death is not the preferred outcome. Catastrophic illness requiring hospitalization is. Easy way to ensure millions and millions and millions of people become medically indebted, and no one is responsible for the bills but the sucker at the end of the needle.
Not sure if I would call it mind control qualities but I noticed in a few folks I get sent to work around that took it they are different, not all of them but a few and they are noticeably different from a angry short temper personality adjustment and a low key befuddlement.
I will give you my interpretation. This will depopulate and debilitate the mass majority of humans left on this planet outside of the 1%. It will required everyone to have annual boosters just to ensure they don't die. That and the side effects that manifest in those who actually survive will be terrible. Further making them pharmaceutical industry customers for life. I don't think the elite want everyone to die for then they will have no food and would actually have to do work. I think we see a virus released that kills like 9/10 people that contract it while the elites go hide in their bunkers for a year or two.
It won’t be forever because we can’t stomp out all evil but maybe put it in the background for a while since sin and imperfect people are still here.
Many more people may die this fall/ winter so I hope I’m wrong here cause I got family that took it
I think we all have family that took it. Each person has to make their own decision.
Not yet but..... There is evidence that combined with 5g mind control is possible. The technology has been around for decades but are they evil enough to follow thru with their plan?
They want to have a brain computer interface eventually. They can’t hack minds as easy as computers. That’s my take from all this. James Corbett has been talking about it for decades.
I don’t think it’s designed to outright kill people. It’s designed to give them major health problems that require hospitalization and medication.
Think about it. No one is on the hook for problems related to the vaccine. It comes out of civilian pockets. Can’t sue anyone.
They get paid for the vaccines with no liability. Then they give you catastrophic health issues requiring medical care. Which they are also not liable for. So they are able to fuck the taxpayer on both sides. They get taxpayer money for the vaccines, then they get your money when you get sick. They got the insurance companies on board because insurance doesn’t cover vaccine illnesses, and the government isn’t liable either.
Death is not the preferred outcome. Catastrophic illness requiring hospitalization is. Easy way to ensure millions and millions and millions of people become medically indebted, and no one is responsible for the bills but the sucker at the end of the needle.
Not sure if I would call it mind control qualities but I noticed in a few folks I get sent to work around that took it they are different, not all of them but a few and they are noticeably different from a angry short temper personality adjustment and a low key befuddlement.
I will give you my interpretation. This will depopulate and debilitate the mass majority of humans left on this planet outside of the 1%. It will required everyone to have annual boosters just to ensure they don't die. That and the side effects that manifest in those who actually survive will be terrible. Further making them pharmaceutical industry customers for life. I don't think the elite want everyone to die for then they will have no food and would actually have to do work. I think we see a virus released that kills like 9/10 people that contract it while the elites go hide in their bunkers for a year or two.