Freedom is not doing what you want or being without coercion.
Freedom is being free from sin and moral evil.
If people continue to abuse their freedoms and commit crimes against God (abortion, fornication, gay marriage, transgenderism, porn, greed, pride, envy, gluttony), then God is fully within His right to take our freedom away. If we will not submit to the moral law, then we will be forced to submit to a tyrant. Our oppression by globalists will be merely the physical sign manifesting the spiritually reality of our slavery to sin.
Freedom is not doing what you want or being without coercion.
Freedom is being free from sin and moral evil.
If people continue to abuse their freedoms and commit crimes against God (abortion, fornication, gay marriage, transgenderism, porn, greed, pride, envy, gluttony), then God is fully within His right to take our freedom away. If we will not submit to the moral law, then we will be forced to submit to a tyrant. Our oppression by globalists will be merely the physical sign manifesting the spiritually reality of our slavery to sin.
No freedom without moral reform.
God or nothing.