Legacy media thrives off of outrage and argument over "what is the truth". Ignore them, they make money off of clicks and our mindshare... Find truthful articles and promote them instead. Flip the script.
I'm tired of seeing nothing but liberal media passed around with sentiments like, "Actually false", "True, but ____", "Can you even fathom!"...stop it.
Hold every thought captive, meditate on what is good. Don't even let you (OR SOMEBODY ELSE) fall prey to the parasitic culture of media & liberals.
Feels like more than half this board is focusing on pointing out hypocrisy of the left and getting triggered/outraged by all the shit the left/cabal is doing. Sad that they keep falling into the same trap. I understand new people come into the movement frequently but it would be wise to consider not playing their game, focus on the things that are important coughauditscough