Surprise, surprise, surprise!!!
Marc Elias is the author of this article which urges that lawyers who support President Trump should be disciplined and effectively put out of business because he claims President Trump caused the alleged January 6 “insurrection”
Pieces to the puzzle coming together?
Lies. Horrible lies. About jan 6 patriots
"I was reminded of Hannah Arendt describing the trial of Adolf Eichmann. “The trouble,” she wrote, “was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal.”
She described this as the “banality of evil”—the willingness of otherwise ordinary people to do extraordinarily evil things.
But the traitors in that violent mob did not act on their own. The events of January 6 began much earlier, seeded and spurred on by a deranged president and many of the nation’s most powerful Republican politicians."