I'd like a "Survivor' type of setting on steroids where the world can see just how useless they would all be trying to endure hardship, put in an honest days work for the good of others, their cowardliness and deceitful natures would be on full display. And some wild animals would likely get a hot, fresh meal.
Now that's a PPV I can get behind tho it would be free on RSBN. No rules, bring anything that doesn't go bang. Stacy Abrams won't last a second.
I'd like a "Survivor' type of setting on steroids where the world can see just how useless they would all be trying to endure hardship, put in an honest days work for the good of others, their cowardliness and deceitful natures would be on full display. And some wild animals would likely get a hot, fresh meal.
My money is on anyone with a ball peen hammer.