Vaxed People Are Glowing
Comments (15)
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So fake and phony
What makes you think
Because people that make videos like this, there’s no context, there’s no real validity to anything they’re doing. They break out some weird flashlight, and then put it up next to their skin. It could be a black light, and it could just be that they put the invisible black light paint on their hands or body wherever they wanted to put it. The lady and the child are so disingenuous. I’m just not falling for this kind of stupid stuff. If somebody wants to go get a vaccine, videotape the entire thing, bring a flashlight with them show you what kind of flashlight it is put a battery in it to make sure it’s legit, and then after they get the vaccine immediately have somebody put the light on their skin, and do it without editing the clip, and having everything done in full site, then maybe I’ll believe it. People are liars, And I am sure they would like to make us look like fools.
If people are that suspicious about being lit up that they bring a special light to check I doubt they would even be getting the vaccine to begin with
....and with the girl holding 3 forms of government ID and a police officer there and like, 4 or 5 of my buddies and Neil taking notes and her grandmother has to be there to confirm her identity.
"That's my Robert, always peeing on people"
P.S. I agree.
She drew on herself with a UV pen and is using an ultraviolet flashlight to make herself glow.
My boss uses this same method at work to make sure exam rooms are cleaned properly (draws numbers on the high-touch areas in UV pen and then checks to see how many were missed with the light after a turnover)
Boss, stay outta my house.
Could be
Genius does no research. It's from the Lucerferace in the vaccine. It glows under U.V light. Research it, then comment.
Lots of things glow under a blacklight - dust, lint, laundry detergent, bodily fluids, etc.
Blood, outside of your body, glows under a UV light. If enough UV light reaches the blood in your veins, it will glow too.
Spreading easily-debunked misinformation just makes the people trying to warn others about the vaccine look stupid. Please be more careful.
What kind of flash light is that?
Looks like the same type used to detect counterfeit currency