Anons Assemble! ;)... Sorry, it just sounded fun.
At any rate—can you all help me by spamming this post with any links and/or personal accounts of the following two phenomena?:
1.) irregular mentrual cycles among unvaxxed women who have been in contact with vaxxed individuals
2.) hives/rashes in children who have been in contact with vaxxed individuals.
...You could literally set the Y2K countdown to my cycles, they are THAT regular. Fast-forward to this month....after having been around countless vaxxed at work for a full month, and hosting my dad and his wife twice (both vaxxed) in the last month...lo and behold, I have TWO periods this month. (Sorry for the visual, I know prob TMI, but no other way around it.). I have NEVER had this happen before. I've been trying to find all the info I can about this, and what I can do to nullify any spike-protein exposure—I've found that Ivermectin and NAC are both viable options. If anyone has any other recommendations, please let me know!
Same with the hives in children. I remember reading a post about that on here, recently, but I didn't save it, and the daggone search fx isn't working, so if you made that post and happen to read this one, please let me know the details, and how everything turned out, and if there was anything you did to help your child with the recurring rashes.
I'm SO FUCKING ANGRY about this whole thing....the only thing that makes me feel better is ALL the information I can possibly absorb.
Thanks, frens!! Much love!