I'll state an obvious but often overlooked fact. Communists have always had 2 top priorities. Control education and the media. If a channel pops up they immediate assess if they can control it or corrupt it. It's why so much of what is wrong with this country has flowed either through the classroom and or the media. Identify any problem and trace it back. You'll find either one or both of these elements at work.
When people think of communists, pictures of Lenin or Mao come to mind. These are stereotypes. You need to expand your thinking to imagine modern day versions. The thinking is the same. The end goals of controlling what you learn in school, what you see, hear and read, projected with an air of authority and the sheep follow and believe the lies. It's incredibly simple in concept but a core cadre of dedicated leftists get rooted into something like the Weather Chanel and voila it becomes politicized weaponized and propagandized.
It's why we need to approach every new channel of information with a sober understanding of reality. Every new source of information will be targeted by these leftists much like a slice of bread targeted by mold. We need to be aware of changes of ownership, changing editors and not just assume we trust the name so therefore it's fine. The Weather Channel was great when it started but it's far different now than back then. Much like seeing the New York TImes masthead and assuming it's an honest source of information. Maybe at one time but not now. We can now add the medical journals like Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, etc. to this list. We cannot assume they are non-political.
Fix education first. That can only happen if we re-invent education and in so doing, determine what went wrong with the old system and understand that it will be under attack from leftists immediately. This is their most precious possession. They will fight to the death to keep control of it. We need to think about how to get it and keep them out, keep their ideology of lies and propaganda out. Then do the same with the media. Institute meaningful change by barring anti-American thinking, teaching patriotism, morals, values, etc. If we care successful, the country will flourish like never before.
I'll state an obvious but often overlooked fact. Communists have always had 2 top priorities. Control education and the media. If a channel pops up they immediate assess if they can control it or corrupt it. It's why so much of what is wrong with this country has flowed either through the classroom and or the media. Identify any problem and trace it back. You'll find either one or both of these elements at work.
When people think of communists, pictures of Lenin or Mao come to mind. These are stereotypes. You need to expand your thinking to imagine modern day versions. The thinking is the same. The end goals of controlling what you learn in school, what you see, hear and read, projected with an air of authority and the sheep follow and believe the lies. It's incredibly simple in concept but a core cadre of dedicated leftists get rooted into something like the Weather Chanel and voila it becomes politicized weaponized and propagandized.
It's why we need to approach every new channel of information with a sober understanding of reality. Every new source of information will be targeted by these leftists much like a slice of bread targeted by mold. We need to be aware of changes of ownership, changing editors and not just assume we trust the name so therefore it's fine. The Weather Channel was great when it started but it's far different now than back then. Much like seeing the New York TImes masthead and assuming it's an honest source of information. Maybe at one time but not now. We can now add the medical journals like Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, etc. to this list. We cannot assume they are non-political.
Fix education first. That can only happen if we re-invent education and in so doing, determine what went wrong with the old system and understand that it will be under attack from leftists immediately. This is their most precious possession. They will fight to the death to keep control of it. We need to think about how to get it and keep them out, keep their ideology of lies and propaganda out. Then do the same with the media. Institute meaningful change by barring anti-American thinking, teaching patriotism, morals, values, etc. If we care successful, the country will flourish like never before.