If the gov cared about us, they'd tell us to take Vit D, Vit C, elderberry, etc to boost our immune systems when this first came out. The masks, distancing and spraying everything down only weakened our immune systems. Losing jobs, worry, stress, being kept from friends and family further weakened our immune systems. They memed that staying home couch surfing made us herocic which was the worst thing for our physical and mental health. Everything they recommended was the worst possible advice.
The masks are inhumane. The social distancing is inhumane. How does a state turn it's people against its enemy? It turns them into non-human monsters: vermin, insects, brainwashed, zombies, etc. How does a state do horrible crimes against its own people? Turns them into harmful germ-factories or a cancer to the earth instead of human beings. [The true enemy, satan the accuser, hates God but can't fight God so instead attacks God's most precious, His created human beings. The enemy is always finding ways to remove what makes us valuable (our God-quickened soul)].
If the gov cared for us, they'd want us to boost our immune system, not weaken it.
Purfect logic. Unfortunately logic is no longer relevant.😳
If six feet works, why shove that thing all the way up my nose to see if I have it?
I've heard the counter argument
Anyone got a good counter to that?
I go this way:
If the gov cared about us, they'd tell us to take Vit D, Vit C, elderberry, etc to boost our immune systems when this first came out. The masks, distancing and spraying everything down only weakened our immune systems. Losing jobs, worry, stress, being kept from friends and family further weakened our immune systems. They memed that staying home couch surfing made us herocic which was the worst thing for our physical and mental health. Everything they recommended was the worst possible advice.
The masks are inhumane. The social distancing is inhumane. How does a state turn it's people against its enemy? It turns them into non-human monsters: vermin, insects, brainwashed, zombies, etc. How does a state do horrible crimes against its own people? Turns them into harmful germ-factories or a cancer to the earth instead of human beings. [The true enemy, satan the accuser, hates God but can't fight God so instead attacks God's most precious, His created human beings. The enemy is always finding ways to remove what makes us valuable (our God-quickened soul)].
If the gov cared for us, they'd want us to boost our immune system, not weaken it.
If my vaccine doesn't work unless you get it, why would I get it?