Went around noon time. While getting Rx filled girl behind counter was smiling, bubbly, helpful, normal. Looked around while waiting then when going up aisles shopping noticed only seniors in store pushing cart but in a daze. No expression on the faces, going down center of each aisle (not toward the right so opposite direction can pass), not looking at the shelves. Looked at eyes of a couple people and no movement of their eyes, like not looking right or left or at me, just like a blank stare forward. In my area there was a huge push to vax seniors (we had one of the largest nursing home deaths at start of virus) and I wondered if all these people got vaxed and this is the result. I spoke to someone about this last night and was told they heard about zombism after the shot. This was so weird.
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I think it's more about the campaign of psychological terrorism that they have faced for the last two years. The media has continuously screamed that they'll die if they leave the house and get too close to a potential carrier, and those seniors are more likely to believe it. It takes a toll.