This is why so many are suffering heart and blood issues.
Ask yourselves WHY this is being ignored by government and many others. They are INTENTIONALLY pushing death on the population.
Do you understand now that the criminals WILL KILL you by the hundreds of millions to protect their power?
Actually, I do believe in germ “theory”.
There are bad things out there that can infect people for a variety of reasons, including ignoring your role in own health, and that includes not keeping the correct balance of what your body needs to properly defend itself. Medicine today 100% ignores that beyond “don’t smoke, don’t drink, and lose weight.)
But those things alone, cannot save everyone from infection by “germs”, for a variety of reasons, including genetics.
There’s a reason the average lifespan has doubled and tripled in the past few thousands years, most notably in the last century, when modern medicine came along. (Real modern medicine, when it was practiced in life or death situations only, and the proactive stance that we play a part in keeping our own selve’s healthy. Those were both huge leaps that allowed us to have the average lifespan of what? 79 years now? Real medicine is not this money making machine that it is today)