I think we are probably philosophical allies in many ways, yes. But we have very different ideas of what problems actually exist and are worth our time and effort and research.
Which is an enormous shame for one of us. Time will tell which one.
But I promise I don't hate Q. I have some admiration for what he was able to accomplish, in an academic sense. But I don't believe it was anything remotely outside of the competencies of someone completely unremarkable and with none of the access Q claimed to have.
I think we are probably philosophical allies in many ways, yes. But we have very different ideas of what problems actually exist and are worth our time and effort and research.
Which is an enormous shame for one of us. Time will tell which one.
But I promise I don't hate Q. I have some admiration for what he was able to accomplish, in an academic sense. But I don't believe it was anything remotely outside of the competencies of someone completely unremarkable and with none of the access Q claimed to have.