Seriously. Kissinger’s hand is overtly in the cookie jar, maneuvering deep state agenda into policy under every president since Nixon (petrodollar anyone...?) — until Trump kicked him off the Defense Policy Board in 2020. Why so late into his term? That would be a more interesting query and one worthy of qresearch.
The above “quote” is so cartoonish it’s like “Q-anon” goes Q-Anime.
this is the type of stuff that makes this place look like caca.
Seriously. Kissinger’s hand is overtly in the cookie jar, maneuvering deep state agenda into policy under every president since Nixon (petrodollar anyone...?) — until Trump kicked him off the Defense Policy Board in 2020. Why so late into his term? That would be a more interesting query and one worthy of qresearch.
The above “quote” is so cartoonish it’s like “Q-anon” goes Q-Anime.