This article is long, but is the definitive resource for understanding how the unfolding of the Ivermectin story is bringing the mechanisms of control from out of the fog.
Understanding the TNI and IFCN seems important for recognising potential weaknesses and helping others to see how and why the messaging is being centrally controlled.
It's not news - it's propaganda... I suppose the only shocking thing is that some of us still hope to find something like honest reporting going on.
But I do think that we can have an impact by gradually revealing the mechanisms one bit at a time. Perhaps it is like a tangled thread, and eventually one little tug will unravel the whole thing... In the meantime, we keep chipping away, making it ever harder, riskier and more costly for them to work in the shadows...
I've come to this realization this week... Heartbreaking tbh... But the truth shall set us free.