Did he leave office with the USA still under a State of Emergency? Did he sign the Insurrection Act? What if America is no longer a corporation, as many have suggested, and Trump is now the sitting President of a brand new Republic?
I don't pretend to know how this works. LOL I've listened to lots of diffetent views. I'm wondering if getting Bidet out of "office" is only for show. They have to do it the right way so that libs can't say Trump unlawfully bullied his way back into the White House. The audits could do just that. Numbers don't lie.
Would love to discuss this. :-)
A little off subject but your comment just reminded me of a write up Monkeywerx did, you can find it on his website, about how why the dems are in such a hurry to make DC a State. His theory is that DC is broke, broker than broke, and if they can swindle it so that DC gains Statehood, they will then somehow have access to the land in America and a lot of other things would happen that I dont remember atm. I'm definitely not doing his article any justice, you should check it out for yourself. I thought it was a good read. It offered a perspective I've not seen anywhere else yet.