So, you are a conspiracy theorist; A conspiracy-wappie; A conspiracy drone, or whatever epithet is being slammed on you.
But is it really so hard to recognize that by its very nature a conspiracy always to be origin of a lot of grief?
Consider this. The prophet Amos, more than 2500 years ago, wrote: Can shnayim (two at least male) walk together, except they be agreed?
Nice question, right? It simply teaches that coincidences are much rarer than you would expect.
When you have been reading the bible, how many conspiracies have you come across? Think about it. How many?
Here's one: Jonathan and his ensign climb a high cliff to kill some Philistines. Was it a secret? Who knew about it? He had left his father, the King Saul out of this deliberation. And the Philistines had no clue.
A classic conspiracies between 2.
I tell you one much graver: 2 Chron. 18 God asking his council how to respond to a development between two kings making common cause against the Syrians. This, by definition is in and of itself already a conspiracy.
So, there is some deliberation going one in heaven, one angels says this, the other says that, until one angel steps forward and commits to become a deceitful spirit into the prophets surrounding.
That was a jolly good idea!
So, at the very least, you find yourself in good company.
You recoil from contemplating this? Well, conspiracy is just a word to describe ..... an agreement to do something in secret. It may be a practical joke, or something that will get totally out of hand.
At any rate, what is established fact: it is human nature to make agreements from the simplest of actions to the most elaborate. And sometimes it is better to keep these agreements secret. Otherwise, what's your dad gonna say when you sneak out the window at night to meet your sweat heart.
Conspiracy is at the bottom for no enterprise can be done unless two or more voluntarily agree to undertake that particular feat. At best, those having problems with the consequences may poor out their being aghast about such deals. I assure you, Jehosaphat did not like that at all. And neither did Saul, or the Philistines for that matter.
With this in mind, I think it is time to re-assess history.
James Corbett made a fascinating documentary on the First World War, at least what lead to it. Some names you will know, others may be not. But in essence, his contention, well argued I should say, is that it all began with 3 men finding common cause: to bring the US under British control and extend British Control beyond what it had become then.
Yes, nothing short of world dominion. A world government, A New World Order.
Especially, the employment of mass media, carefully selected writers to influence public opinion, Political Ponorology, and especially, while their project is put into motion, and the conspiracy grows, it finds many enthralled in it, some wittingly, but the many totally oblivious, as they establish a control grid, that has only one outcome.
Here you go, eat your heart out with regards conspiracy:
While you are at it: think about today, and what you have witnessed.
O and one more thought: You are wittingly part of a world wide conspiracy. Those who lambast you for being a conspiracy theorist, O irony, are unwittingly part of a conspiracy, without choice.