"Do you genuinely trust the same institution to give you a jab that would have you pay $100k~ to stitch up your finger?"
Another one.
"People say experts can do no wrong. How many experts who paid $100k~ in tuition do you know that did it to benefit the people and not because of societal pressures, the prestige, or the big salary?"
Follow up, I guess.
"It's been proven that in corporate environments, there's a demonstrably disproportionate number of psychopaths who occupy positions of power. What makes you so sure the people on tv aren't one of these?"
I know they're not stereotypical in that regard. In fact, some sociopaths have a semblance of a conscience, albeit underdeveloped as a result of a tumultuous environment. They just don't give enough of a fck, really. Psychopaths are actually pretty different. They do not feel fear like the rest of us as a result of a difference in gen etics.
They're both almost entirely self-serving and will stop at nothing to do what they want. The difference being, a sociopath doesn't give enough of a fck to form the social relationships needed to climb to such a position. At least, that's my understanding.
Neither necessarily ascribe to all the stereotypes thought about them, but the world of ethics is largely meaningless to both, either way.