Your welcome, there is so much out there to be found it is hard to keep up w/ it all so everyone needs to keep in mind that just because they know it doesn't mean the rest of us do:)
A lot of things have been memory holed, good to bring them up again with new light shining on it, many are just now getting ANY info about what the hell has been going on with these sick people let alone all the info thats been gone over in the past.
Your welcome, there is so much out there to be found it is hard to keep up w/ it all so everyone needs to keep in mind that just because they know it doesn't mean the rest of us do:) are being vigilant and that is so important
A lot of things have been memory holed, good to bring them up again with new light shining on it, many are just now getting ANY info about what the hell has been going on with these sick people let alone all the info thats been gone over in the past.