This resign shit is the dumbest thing ever, they want you gone, the good cops resign, the good officers in the military resign then they can just deep state circle jerk even easier. They want to replace you with a trans person of neolithic universal receiving, need to resist, need to promote other resisters. If 15% of your military disobeyed an unlawful order that would be a bigger statement than leaving with your tail between your legs. Not to mention it might embolden other military personal to do the same. Especially the enlisted which are likely more based.
This resign shit is the dumbest thing ever, they want you gone, the good cops resign, the good officers in the military resign then they can just deep state circle jerk even easier. They want to replace you with a trans person of neolithic universal receiving, need to resist, need to promote other resisters. If 15% of your military disobeyed an unlawful order that would be a bigger statement than leaving with your tail between your legs. Not to mention it might embolden other military personal to do the same. Especially the enlisted which are likely more based.