Trump was right about everything
So was Q.
So, to the leftist shill pieces of shit that lurk here, are you awake? Are you seeing it yet? Or are you still asleep?
Seriously, take into consideration everything that was proven to be true. Hydroxychloroquine? WORKS. Ivermectin? WORKS. Masks? DON'T WORK.
Election rigged? TRUE.
Everything the media has told you was a lie, was the truth.
Why would Maricopa be refusing to hand over routers, and other subpoenaed items? Because they CHEATED!!!
Why would the left be doing everything to hinder these audits? They cheated.
Why would the TX Democrats cower and leave to not vote on a bill that would make elections more secure? Because they can't cheat. They'll never win.
Democrats can't win unless they cheat.
Democrats FLED TX to get out of voting on TX HB6 improving election integrity, making elections safer and secure.
Wake up. No, you won't be getting eggs and bacon, and toast. You'll be getting a taste of reality. Turn the TV off and do some research, think for yourself. I guarantee you, the moment you turn the TV off, all the issues will go away.
Isn't Camp Delta variant cover for the roundup?