A Prayer Against The Spirit of Victimhood in Our Society Full Discussion Here: https://gratefulwifesprayers.wordpress.com/2021/07/21/a-prayer-against-the-spirit-of-victimhood-in-our-society/
You know that when we believe ourselves victims and stare at our problems, we are leaving a door wide open to temptation.
Protect us from this, Lord! Help us to daily hide ourselves in You. Remind us that safety from these victim ideas resides in You.
We are free in You. We are justified by You. We are made conquerors and more through Your will.
Every time we begin to count ourselves out of self responsibility, please, Lord, remind us of that.
Help us keep in mind that we are responsible to follow Your calling and to serve not ourselves. Let us not count ourselves so high that we think we are owed more than to follow You!
In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen
Amen! Today when things got tough I recognized this in myself and prayed, "Stop my tears Lord, they hurt his heart and he is trying so hard. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman."
I could use that prayer sometimes!