MineOwnSelf 20 points ago +20 / -0

Amen. Place your hedge of protection around this family Lord. Give them an Angel to guard & guide them. Protect them from evil, let no harm befall them. I ask this in Jesus' Mighty name. Amen.

MineOwnSelf 48 points ago +48 / -0

Dear Lord, please protect those who are without shelter, electricity, gas, food, & water because of the hurricane. Send the people & resources they need to recover. Build community among the neighbors that they come out of this more connected than before. Strengthen everyone with your presence, draw them to your promise of salvation through Christ Jesus, & fill them with your Spirit, love, & peace. Thank you for those who are working to restore power & those who are bringing assistance. Block the scammers & looters, help each family with whatever needs they have. I ask this in Jesus' Mighty name. Amen.

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Lord, let the Drs be extensions of your healing hands. Strengthen this beloved Dad & all who love him with your presence, comfort them with salvation through Christ Jesus, & fill them with your Spirit, love, & peace. Guide them in your Word that they may know your power, glory, majesty, might & sincere unending love for them. Bless them with the people & resources they need and let this Dad have a successful surgery & recovery without complications. I ask all this in Jesus' Mighty & Holy name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are ways communities can support these future firefighters should these requirements go into effect?

MineOwnSelf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dear Lord, please send health & healing to OldGreyMere. Let her grow old to see her grandchildren grow old. Strengthen with your presence and bless her & all whom she knows with faith in salvation through Christ Jesus & fill them with your Spirit, love & peace. I ask this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Lord, please help Jamezelo and all who are struggling. We are standing at the edge of the Red Sea & feel the hot breath of Pharoah's horses bearing down on the back of our necks. Give us strength to wait for your command to part the sea, and make a way. Thank you Father that we do not stand alone. Thank you for this community. Thank for all the ways that you provide for us. Thank you Jesus for telling us that in this world we would have troubles, but to take heart for you have overcome the world. Keep us strong & carry us through to the Glory of your Holy name! I ask this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Music is indeed a blessing! ❤️ I had just thought of the Sixpence None the Richer song before reading your post - I think it was God sent. The lyrics you posted about God making a way made me think of the Waymaker song. God is awesome - he will never abandon or forsake you! Nothing can ever separate us from the love he has for us in Christ Jesus!!!

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Lord, be with Christina & her family. Strengthen them all with your presence, comfort them with your salvation through Christ Jesus & fill them with your Spirit, love, & peace. Let them each see you at work in their lives. Bring them through this valley & into the future you have for them, knowing that you are with them and love them always. I ask this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen. .

Here are a few more songs to strengthen you: Trust by Sixpence None the Richer https://youtu.be/SXmmmPLDKdA?si=lHtmn4DRTEo54-kJ . Waymaker https://youtu.be/SE_M9noEhNE?si=Ogq5Wbsg1cnrJWCn

MineOwnSelf 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you, Lord, for MommaChz1 and all the people who responded last night & today to these tornado struck areas, and for those who will respond tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow until Sulphur and all places that were impacted by the tornados here and abroad are helped. Thank you for your protection and providence. Please comfort the families in Holdenville who lost loved ones, and send healing to anyone who was injured. Strengthen everyone involved with your presence, draw them to your promise of salvation through Christ Jesus, & fill them with your Spirit and your peace. I ask this in Jesus' Holy name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 13 points ago +13 / -0

Praise God for his providence, both with your wife's pregnancy & new baby, and with this community. Our God is an Awesome God!!!

Congratulations to you and your family!!!

MineOwnSelf 9 points ago +9 / -0

My guess - athletes practice their sport & make it look easy when they do something, but anyone who has also tried to do the very same thing, without the practice & training, quickly understands it is more difficult than they thought. This looked easy, maybe even minor, but it was just one move in a series of moves designed to achieve a goal.

MineOwnSelf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dear Lord, please send healing to Mar Mari Emmanuel. Thank you for his bold and righteous message to President Trump. Draw all who hear it to Jesus, that he may reveal you to them and let them understand his salvation that is theirs because of his death on the cross and ressurection into life everlasting. Let them accept what he has done for payment of their sins, that they may be forgiven, be filled with your Holy Spirit, have their names written in the lambs book of life, and your seal placed on their foreheads so they may be your people.

May your people, who are called by your name, humble themselves, seek your face, and repent of their sins so that you may hear our prayers in heaven and heal our land. I ask all this for all people and all nations. I ask this in the mighty name of your son, our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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